Charles Hoskinson’s Video Update Shows Promising Advances On The Cardano (ADA) Project

Charles Hoskinson’s Video Update Shows Promising Advances On The Cardano (ADA) Project 4

The Team behind Cardano (ADA) remains committed to building its network. The constant research and communication with the public have made this project one of the most followed and promising of the crypto sphere.


Charles Hoskinson, CEO of IOHK, and leader of the Cardano development team (ADA) never disappoints his followers and keeps them regularly updated with every new development the research team makes, no matter how small it is.

Yesterday, in a stream posted on the twitter account of the Cardano Foundation, Mr. Hoskinson revealed some of the new achievements made by the research team. The progress has been satisfactory, allowing the team to remain quite optimistic and enthusiastic about the development of this third generation blockchain.

An extensive article at the official Cardano (ADA) Forum, further elaborate these ideas. Below are some of the highlights:

Cardano 1.3

Cardano (ADA) Logo. ADA is the cryptocurrency running on the Cardano Blockchain

This version passed the first QA cycle. After a testing phase, the team thinks an early Daedalus and Cardano by August is quite possible.

Numerous improvements have been achieved in this version of Cardano regarding performance, memory utilization, and stability.

Cardano (ADA) Wallet News

The IOHK team is working with an unidentified Third Party Partner on a project related to a complimentary wallet to Daedalus. There is no further explanation. However, they mentioned that the announcements in mid-August would be exciting and very interesting.

IELE Test Net

The Testnet is expected to be launched later this month. This development would allow the design of Smart Contracts outside the EVM using both solidity and IELE’s own code.

Quality Assurance

The IOHK team is working hand in hand with Allied Testing and QuiviQ to achieve ever higher quality standards. So far the results have been positive

Cardano 1.4

The team plans to release of this new version on late October. It will include the Cardano Wallet Backend, as well as improvements aimed at mass implementation. This version will deliver positive and visible results for exchanges and users with a massive number of portfolios and transactions; however, for individual users, the feeling will remain relatively similar.


The research and development work continues, however, the Ouroboros project is still at a very early stage. For the IOHK research team, this is one of the most important projects to date.

The development of Cardano (ADA) is in a very promising phase, the results have been satisfactory enough to predict a favorable 2019 for the events foreseen in the Roadmap of this blockchain.

Cardano is now much closer to becoming a reality than it was just months ago when it was merely a project with some advances.

There is still a little time left to see the project 100% completed; however, for many, the trip has been extremely enjoyable.

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