ReddCoin (RDD) Updates ReddID, Bringing It Closer to a Full Public Release

ReddCoin (RDD) Updates ReddID, Bringing It Closer to a Full Public Release 1

The ReddCoin (RDD) cryptocurrrency is a social currency in the sense that it can be integrated into all major social networks to make the process of sending and receiving money fun and rewarding for everyone. RDD has been used to tip users on Reddit, Twitter, Telegram and now, Youtube!

On June 4th, 2018, the team at Reddcoin managed to acquire all the legal documentation defining RDD as a Utility Token rather than a Security (or Securitized) token. This means that RDD can now do business with more regulation-savvy institutions for it is no longer held back by securities regulations in the multiple global jurisdictions.

This is not the only exciting news to hit the Reddcoin project and the community. The team at ReddCoin have also released the Beta version of the ReddID Social Tipping Extension and Platform that aims at linking all your social media accounts to one Reddcoin ID. This means that your ReddID will enable you to tip, or get tipped, on any social platform using one button without the complex blockchain addresses or multiple usernames. More on this can be found on github where the complete documentation is available.

The Beta testing of ReddID was kicked off on the 29th of July with 80+ users. The team at ReddCoin welcomes applications for new testers of the platform by email and request on reddit to /u/TechAdept or by talking to developers on their Official Telegram Group.

The new version of the ReddID Social Tippling Extension and Platform includes the following improvements:

With regards to integrating the ReddID tip button to other smaller sites, the team at RDD stated that:

We will be providing a mechanism (likely an API) to be able to easily provide that functionality. Reddcoin Core is continuing to work as hard as possible to improve and deliver ReddID. We hope you’ll all come along.

If you’d like to help the team build, no matter what your skills are, all are welcome. Let us know! Stake On!!

In a nutshell, the ReddID’s Beta version is live and running. Anyone wishing to test drive it, can contact the team via the two methods mentioned of Reddit and Telegram. The team also welcomes the crypto-community to assist in making their product even better.

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