XRP Transactions via Apple’s Siri Are Now Possible Thanks to an Independent Developer

XRP Transactions via Apple's Siri Are Now Possible Thanks to an Independent Developer 1

XRP continues to cement itself as a multipurpose cryptocurrency with enough merits to be the most important altcoin in the market. A few days ago, an independent developer known on Twitter as xRpTo_O managed to develop an iOS implementation that allows users to send XRP with simple voice command.

iOS jailbreak and development scene has been a bit quiet lately; however, this has not stopped some developers from joining their passion for cryptocurrencies with the creation of software to facilitate the lives of users beyond what official apps have to offer.

In a video, the user communicates with Siri through voice commands in a natural way and sends 0.5 XRP to a user that Siri found in its database.

Although the video only shows money transfer, the developer has been adding several features over time. The app establishes a communication link between Siri and XRP TipBot making the app much more functional with every new release.

Ripple, Apple, and Alexa: The Big Giants Have Not Yet Given Their Thumbs Up to Hands-Free XRP Tipping

Although neither Ripple nor Apple are directly involved in the development of this app, its creation is a sign of the growing interest of the community in this cryptocurrency. While on previous occasions some critics of Ripple’s philosophy claimed that XRP did not have the necessary properties to be considered a true crypto, the recent increase in the number of users and the software developments that are being achieved to boost the use of XRP in everyday life are a sign that Ripple is successfully finding a space within the community.

The announcement comes one month after Nixer achieved a similar implementation in which he managed to integrate such service with Alexa.

However, despite the efforts of the developer, shortly after his submission, the application was denied by Amazon:

Right now, Ripple’s token is the second cryptocurrency in terms of global market cap, with a capitalization of $12,236,145,454. The token has suffered the same bearish run of the whole crypto market but actually, the gap between XRP and ETH has been increasing almost at a daily basis

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