Verge (XVG) Listed On Bitbns and Days After Bitfinex Listing

Verge (XVG) Listed On Bitbns and Days After Bitfinex Listing 1

The last one week has been an eventful one for Verge (XVG). Four days ago, the Bitfinex exchange announced that it would be trading XVG on its platform. The coin is now tradable against BTC, ETH, USD, BGP, EURO and JPY on the platform.

Bitfinex is one of the largest trading platforms in terms of daily trade volume. It is ranked 5th with respect to exchanges that charge trading fees with a daily trade volume of $959.93 Million at the moment of writing this. When ranked against all exchanges, including those with no trading fees, Bitfinex is ranked sixth.

Yesterday, another exchange known as listed Verge (XVG). listed XVG together with Nano (NANO) but they are still working on the wallet integration with deposits and withdrawals to be enabled at a later date. is ranked 14th overall in terms of daily trade volume and when categorized with all exchanges: those that charge trading fees and those that do not. Current trade volume at the exchange is at $194.339 Million. This listing adds to the liquidity of XVG in the markets.

Less than 12 hours ago, Verge (XVG) was then again listed on India’s fastest growing exchange, The exchange is currently ranked 105 on coinmarketcap and when considering exchanges that charge trading fees and those that do not. The exchange is currently doing $3.93 Million in daily trade volume and is strategically based at the heart of India. Popular coins on the exchange include Ripple (XRP), Electroneum (ETN), Tron (TRX) and Ethereum (ETH) in that order and according to daily trade volume.

Current market analysis of XVG put its value at $0.08 and up 2.12% in 24 hours. With the continual listings of the coins and partnership announcements, the coin is sure to break the 10 cents barrier very soon. Verge’s greatest selling point is the availability of choice by the user, to switch from public to private ledger to transact in an anonymous manner. The transactions also are of low cost. This is why it was chosen by MindGeek (Pornhub) and TrafficJunky.

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