HTC Litecoin LTC Exodus Phone

Big Step for Litecoin: Confirmed HTC Exodus Blockchain Phone Backing LTC

It has been announced via the twitter page of HTC Exodus that Charlie Lee – founder of Litecoin and the blockchain network will be part of the project as an advisor.

If everything goes by plan, the first native blockchain phone will make its debut in Q3 this year. In contrast to the many existing centralized cloud systems, every device will be a node. This way each user will own their identity and information.

The founder of Litecoin, Charlie Lee recently revealed that one of the biggest smartphone manufacturers in the world, HTC is going to include support for LTC and “the Lightning Network [LN] on Litecoin natively.”

And now, Mr. Lee did let know his followers that he took part in developing the Exodus last week. Each phone bought will have as an addition a cold storage/wallet for digital currencies.

“Met the HTC Exodus team last week and was really excited to hear the phone will support LTC and Lightning Network on Litecoin natively! I will be an advisor as I see having a secure crypto phone that makes LN simple is needed for mass adoption. P.S. No, they will not remove BTC.”

In May this year, HTC said that they are working on the world’s first blockchain-powered smartphone. It was going to have features “dedicated to decentralized applications and security.” In the beginning of the project, Phil Chen – Chief Crypto Officer, noted that HTC Exodus will only support the two leader by market capitalization [Ethereum and Bitcoin].

“Through the Exodus, we are also excited to be supporting underlying protocols such as Bitcoin, Lightning Networks, Ethereum, Dfinity, and more,” Chen was quoted as saying. “We would like to support the entire blockchain ecosystem, and in the next few months we’ll be announcing many more exciting partnerships together. Together, we want to craft the best blockchain & decentralized application experiences to end consumers.”

However, later on down the road, Charlie Lee as quoted above revealed the LTC and Lightning Network Support.

Traders that are will be owning the device are able to trade the tokens from one to another directly from the phone.