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Bitcoin (BTC) Founder, Satoshi Operates from The Eastern Coast of USA, Sleep Pattern Analysis Reveal

It’s all about Satoshi Nakamoto. The brains behind the world’s most valuable coin in Bitcoin. Exchanging hands at $5,423 and with a daily trade volume of $19,123 million while commanding a market cap of $95,792 million, everybody—even governments and detectives, but more so the blockchain and Bitcoin community want to know who the genius was. Despite efforts and countless hours of detective work, Satoshi has been largely successful in becoming elusive. Fortunately, determined blockchain “detectives” are closing in and Jameson Lopp believe Nakamoto is an individual who coordinated his activities from either the East Coast of the US or From Western South America thanks to his standard sleeping patterns.

We Need Decentralization

Even so, it is for good reasons. Considering the level of decentralization minus reference figure heads that other networks so heavily rely for guidance, the absence of Satoshi is indeed a good thing for the autonomy of the network. After all, before he disappeared, he kind-off handed over “powers” to early adopters like Gavin Andresen and other developers he worked with, believers of what he was doing, of what technology represents and what it meant to roll out a solution that will decentralize the way money moves around without third parties.

All the same, Jensen has deviated from Satoshi Vision supporting a splinter group in Bitcoin Cash which recently hard forked to Satoshi Vision under the guidance of Craig Wright, a controversial and vocal supporter claiming to advance Satoshi’s ambition.

Factoring in John McAfee Claims

Nonetheless, detectives like John McAfee are back. John is perma-bull, a technologist and a founder of a successful antivirus firm widely used across the globe. But that won’t stop him from being controversial as he has had a few brushes with the law forcing him to operate from the Bahamas.

 A few days back, he claimed to know who Satoshi was and as a matter of fact, would “out” him. That, apparently didn’t go well with Satoshi—whom he claims to be in contact with. John says Satoshi is furious and unhappy at his efforts to uncover him, ten years after the first block went live.

Even if this is true, it will no doubt promise to be a cinematic and even a riveting sequence of events as the whole thing unfolds. Pinning Satoshi means unlocking the 1 million BTCs under his custody and that means there is a possibility that all these coins would be somehow spent, heaping pressure on Bitcoin prices reeling from 13-month slide. Here’s what John said when he talked with Bloomberg:

“I’ve spoken with him, and he is not a happy camper about my attempt to out him. People forget that I am a technologist. I am one of the best. Releasing the identity of Satoshi at this time could influence the trial and risk my extradition. I cannot risk that. I’ll wait.”

Jameson Lopp Findings

However, new analysis from Jameson Lopp, a cyberpunk and the CTO of CasaHODL, reveal that Satoshi Nakamoto is an individual—not a group, a male living either in the US or South America. His study reveal that that person is not Craig Wright—because at the time, Craig operated from Australia. This was brought to light thanks to an in-depth study of his sleeping patterns because after all, timestamps tell a story. Here’s what he tweeted:

“If you assume standard sleeping patterns then it appears Satoshi resided in eastern North America or western South America while Wright’s posts line up with eastern Australia.”

And he Lopp has support from other curious observers:

“You don’t even have to *assume* standard sleeping patterns for Craig. He lived in Australia during this time, and the data *shows* he had a fairly standard sleeping pattern.”