How To Successfully Promote Your Airdrop or ICO

How To Successfully Promote Your Airdrop or ICO With Coinzilla

As more and more people are becoming interested in cryptocurrencies, the number of related businesses and projects is increasing day by day. For these businesses to quickly attract more and more customers, various marketing and advertising strategies are used. An effective method of crypto-advertising are airdrops.

What are airdrops you ask? Airdrops involve the distribution of newly issued tokens/coins in a certain proportion to holders of specific digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Basically, if you HOLD a type of coin, you are entitled to claim other tokens just because you own the parent coin on which the airdrop is being done. To receive such tokens, a customer would have to fill in a survey or complete some required social media tasks (such as posting or retweeting), which will provide you with data that you will be able to later use in your marketing strategy.

Digital token developers are using airdropping as a new marketing strategy to spread awareness to targeted investors, increase exposure and encouraging mass adoption of their coin. But even though airdropping is a very effective way of making your brand and product known in the crypto space, if done incorrectly it may not get you profitable results and may even end in capital failure.

For such marketing strategy to succeed, the campaign would need qualitative targeted traffic that involves an audience which is interested in cryptos. Until recently, a majority of airdrop campaigns were hosted on the online platforms of Google AdWords, Twitter or Facebook, but now that is no longer possible, as all of these companies banned crypto- related advertising.

Because of this mass ban by the online media giants, many advertisers started looking for new alternatives. As a result, there were developed advertising networks that are focused solely on crypto-related matters.

Coinzilla is one of these advertising networks that offers businesses a suitable crypto-advertising solution by providing high-quality floating and standard IAB banners which have placement on relevant sites such as,, and other known websites from the industry.

Coinzilla offers marketing packages which are very flexible, being developed to provide the maximum amount of exposure that an airdrop campaign requires.

The advertising network has successfully conducted over 90 airdrop campaigns, and their team of developers is constantly looking for new ways of improving and updating each campaign, by providing useful advice for a successful promotion.

Coinzilla is a powerful and useful instrument in the world of crypto advertising, which will raise the exposure of your airdrop campaign or other crypto-related products and services. They provide a substantial ROI and helps your business become a well-known brand. In addition to providing a substation ROI, this advertising platform will help you consolidate your brand name.



  • High-quality crypto-related traffic
  • Very competitive rates
  • Personal account managers with experience in the airdrop campaigns
  • 99% Fillrate
  • Important referrers (,,
  • Payment in Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Euro bank transfers
  • Highly converting banners


  • Your currency must have a clear whitepaper
  • Your campaign must be approved by your account manager

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