ZCash Company is Now the Electric Coin Company to Prevent Confusion

ZCash Company is Now the Electric Coin Company to Prevent Confusion 1

Courtesy Telegra-ico.info

News reaching Ethereum World News indicate that the ZCash Company has rebranded to the Electric Coin Company for the sake of clarity. This name change is meant to differentiate them from the ZCash Foundation. The latter is non-profit organization that focuses on financial privacy. The ZCash foundation serves the user of the ZCash protocol and blockhain as well as supporting other applications of zero-knowledge cryptography.

The Electric Coin Company

The full legal name of the ZCash company had been Zerocoin Electric Coin Company, LLC. For quite sometime the full name had been truncated to the simpler ‘ZCash Company’. The team therefore saw it fit to embrace the new name of Electric Coin Company to provide clarity about which entity they represent. However, the rebranding does not change their vision and mission. It is still the same. The explained this in their announcement as follows.

So here we are: Electric Coin Company. It’ll take us a little while to get the new branding right, launch a new domain and change out the sign at the office, but the name change is public, so we wanted to make sure we were on record confirming it.

Only the name has changed. We are the same team, with the same mission: to empower everyone with economic freedom and opportunity. We developed and help steward Zcash.

What Does the Electric Coin Company Do?

The Electric Coin Company is a group of about 30 people from around the world who work on the following with regards to the development and support of ZCash.

Changes to Expect

With the mission and activities of the Electric Coin Company still the same, what changes is the following

What are your thoughts on the rebranding by the ZCash company to the Electric Coin Company? Does the name change help avoid confusion with the ZCash foundation? Please let us know in the comment section below. 

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